Love Test - 2 MC Questions


| By : Kuromi | In :

I remember during a college lesson, the professor walked into the classroom with smile and said to us:

"I am commissioned by an organization, to do a survey which needed help from all of you."

This unusual activity have bring a slight burst of classroom discussion, which bring some fun to the boring class.

Surprisingly, there are only two questions in the questionnaire.

Question 1:
He loves her so much. She is beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, and just plain old wonderful. But one day, unfortunately, she met a car accident. She recovered with a few big ugly scar on her face. Do you think he will love her still, as always?

A: Yes, he would! B: No, he wouldn't C: Maybe he would

Question 2:
She loves him so much. He is a business elite, refined poise and no fear on working out the best for life. All of a sudden, he went bankrupt. Do you think she will love him still, as always?

A: Yes, she would! B: No, she wouldn't C: Maybe she would

A moment later, we are done with the questionnaire.

I wonder, what is your answer to the two question?

Here you go:

The result statistic are:

Question 1: 10% on A, 10% on B, 80% on C
Question 2: 30% on A, 30% on B, 40% on C

Looks like, more people can not tolerate a disfigurement beauty than a bankruptcy man.

Professor speaks with smile,

"When choosing the answer for the 2 questions, did you subconsciously regard them as your lover?"

"Yes" We all have the same answer.

"But, the questions have never mentioned he/she is your lover?"

Professor looks at us with the profound looking face.

"Now, let's presume if the He in question 1 is a father, the She in question 2 is a mother. And redo the two questions, would you adhere to the original answers?"

When the questionnaire return to us again, the classroom is filled with unusual quietness, our face became solemn and deep.

A few minutes later, when the Professor recalculate the statistic of the questionnaire, there are 100% on A for both of the questions.

Professor speaks with deep and passionate tone,

"There is a kind of love that is last ancient long, selfless, which would not be changed because of seasons, fame and fortune. This is the love of parents."

Remember to take good care of your parents, they love you unconditionally! Lover's love is not the only kind of love and also not everything of the world!

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